Club Registration Scheme

One of the benefits of membership with the Mini Club of SA is Club Registration. We offer Club Registration to our members for not only Mini’s and derivatives (Mokes, Jems, etc) but also any other vehicle that complies with the schemes criteria.

The Mini Club of SA will run the scheme as per this reference guide! (If you have more questions please don’t hesitate to ask!)


  • Annual registration for your your vehicle will be around $90 (instead of the $700 to $800).
  • All vehicles that are 25 years old (as of 1 January in the year of your manufacture) are eligible!
  • If you buy a vehicle and immediately put in on club rego you do not need to pay stamp duty!
  • You can register more than one vehicle (and any type of vehicle) with Mini Club of SA as long as it is 25 years old or more.
  • Vehicles are allowed to be modified to any extent, as long as they are road worthy (serious or major changes may require a regency inspection and engineering compliance).
  • Eligible vehicles now include motorcycles and trailers.
  • This scheme is eligible for interstate travel.

Requirements / Responsibilities

  • You need to be a member of the Mini Club SA (maintain your membership).
  • You need to complete the form applying for club rego (MR 334 Mini Club SA will do this for you!)
  • You need to purchase and keep handy a log book from the Mini Club SA ($10).
  • You need to fill in your log book before you drive your vehicle every time.
  • Your log book must be stamped every year by the Mini Club of SA to confirm your membership. We can do this when you renew your membership (November and December meetings are ideal, plus we run membership renewal days in October and November to give you plenty of opportunities to get it all sorted). 
  • We have 3 year membership options to line up with your log book if you desire.


  • Log books last for 3 years.
  • The vehicle/s do not need to be inspected by the Mini Club.
  • The vehicle needs to be road worthy (same as any vehicle on the road).
  • Historic registration automatically converts to Club Registration (if you had an existing vehicle on the old scheme it automatically transferred over!).

Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any further questions!

Here is a link to our FAQ's!!


All you need to do to apply is catch up with one of our Club Rego officers at our monthly Club nights / meetings and they can fill out the form for you! All you need to bring is:

  1. Your vehicles last rego form (we just need the engine and VIN number and plate number off of it)
  2. Current Mini Club of SA membership (you can do this online here, or speak to us at a meeting and we can input it into the database for you).