Join or Renew Your Membership

Membership for the Mini Club of South Australia is amongst the cheapest in Australia at $55 and runs from January 1 to December 31 each year.


However, the Mini Club of SA is now offering menmberships of 1, 2 or 3 years in length so that you may coincide with your club registration log book if you so choose!

To join the Mini club, click on the link below and you can join online! 

If you are a new member and join after October 1 your membership will include the following year. Each years membership has a grace period running until the monthly general meeting in the following February (to allow for re-newals). But membership as far as Club Registration is concerned runs out strictly December 31 of your final membreship year!

Benefits of membership are:

Access to the Club Rego scheme

  • Subsidised social events
  • Club and Motorsport Australia calendars
  • Membership with Motorsport Australia allowing competiors access to all MA motorsport
  • Membership with the Federation of Historic Motor Vehicles.
  • Affiliated membership to The Marque Sports Car Association

If you have any other queries please don’t hesitate to contact us at


Already have an account?
