MCSA Christmas Cruise
With Christmas just around the corner, join us to kick off the festive season with a short cruise and a picnic in the park at West Beach. Join us at 2pm on the corner of Beaumont and Greenhill roads in the south parklands where we will head off for a short cruise of around 1.5 hours, finishing at Harold and Cynthis Anderson Reserve at West Beach on Seaview Rd.
During the picnic we will be having a Kranky Kriss Kringle for those who wish to partake. There is a $10 limit.
For those bringing children under 18 please let Amanda Dwyer know how many and what age they are by Midday Friday 15th December.
We are planning to arrive at West Beach around 3:30-4ish so if you can make the cruise please feel free to join us at the picnic.
Here is the Google Maps link for the route that we will be taking.
Monthly Club night. Dinner and or meeting (Dinner 6:30 - meeting 7:30) Club Rego availiable ...